Is a board right for your company?
The distinction between strategy and tactics is often confusing to team members focused on the day to day. You need both. Strategy without execution is a daydream, and execution without strategy is a nightmare.
We conduct in-depth interviews with the key decision makers on your team to identify if the company is capable of benefiting from board-level input. If so, we start our Board Design process. If not, we lead team meetings to help analyze your company's mission and guide the execution of strategic objectives.
Finding the right board members is an art form.
You can put the smartest people in the room, but if they don't get along, or have your trust, their effectiveness will be limited. Our Board Design process has been perfected over years of experience and our personal engagement with our director candidates ensures boardroom harmony will prevail.
Together we construct the Lodestone Global Matrix™ to help clarify the characteristics you are looking for in a director. After generating a list of initial candidates, we conduct a Culture Assessment to guarantee boardroom trust and effectiveness.

Lodestone Global is not a traditional search firm.
We don't just find you the right resumes, we find you the right people. We invest significant partner time to help you define your strategy, develop your board requirements, and build a prospectus to attract the right directors to drive your strategic objectives.
Lodestone Global gives you exclusive access to a network of experienced board candidates in our Qualified Director Database™. When we find the right prospect, we make the introduction, but you make the offer. That way, the board members bond directly with you and the company.
Running your first board meeting
can be a challenge.
It is hard to be an active participant while worrying about the mechanics of the meeting. In addition you need to onboard your new directors. Lodestone Global manages this process for you.
Our experience keeps the participants engaged and drives robust discussion. We help you craft a perfect agenda, manage the time clock, and focus on critical issues to ensure a successful first meeting. Our team then consults with you to make certain that your goals were met.
Your board members
want to do a great job.
They need guidance and coaching on their performance. The Lodestone Global Feedback Loop™ provides you and them with a clear picture of board member effectiveness.
We conduct a regular survey of board members testing critical performance parameters. Our team then helps you craft an appropriate response to the survey results. This ensures that all the effort in building your board is worth it!
Fill in your details below and we'll be in touch to get started.
"Ancient Chinese people found that if a LODESTONE was suspended so it could turn freely, it would always point to magnetic north."